Can I backup solely the descriptor part of a setup?

Yes, it's possible to back up the descriptor part of a setup, resulting in a complete set of plates. However, they will be blank on the side intended for the seed phrase.

When prompted to turn the plate in the hammer process, halt the process, refrain from continuing the hammering, and proceed to load a new seed.

Can I backup solely the seed phrase of a setup?

Yes, you can back up exclusively the seed, omitting the descriptor part of the setup. This approach gives a complete set of plates, without a descriptor. Consequently, they will remain blank on the side designated for the descriptor.

Upon being prompted to hammer the first side of a plate, engage the dry-run mode (further details can be found here). Remember to deactivate the dry-run mode before proceeding to hammer the second side (the seed side).

Can I backup a passphrase-protected wallet?

Yes, from version v1.1.1 and forward.

Note that backing up a passphrase-protected multisig wallet is not possible, as matching the seed with the descriptor part becomes impossible.

A workaround for passphrase-protected multisig wallets is to back up each share as a single signature wallet and, optionally, skip the descriptor side. However, this approach will result in the loss of the unique feature of a self-contained setup.

What do you mean by "self-contained" setup?

This means that the minimum amount of shares (physical plates) is enough to recover the wallet, and the need for storing a copy of the XPUBs (often in the form of a descriptor) digital or on paper along each backup/plate is eliminated.

Read more about the technical solution we used to achieve this in our article The SeedHammer Descriptor Partitioning Scheme.

What are the weaknesses of SeedHammer?

See our article on attack vectors.

Can I buy the SeedHammer machine elsewhere?

The SeedHammer machine is a off-the-shelf industrial electric marking machine for making nameplates etc.

It can be bought in various online hardware stores - however physical alterations are needed to function as a SeedHammer.

Which wallet types can I backup with SeedHammer?

It is possible to backup both single and multisig setups. However there are some guidelines for which type of plates to use for each setup.

Read about our steel plates and supported formats in our article The Seedhammer Metal Plates.

What is the difference between the plates (SH01, SH02 and SH03)?

SH01 is credit card sized, SH02 is square, and SH03 is rectangular. All are made of 3 mm stainless steel 316.

The sizes of the plates determine which type of wallet setup that can be engraved on them.

Read more about this in our article The Seedhammer Metal Plates.

Do you ship to anywhere in the world?

Yes, we ship worldwide with very few exceptions.

Are you in doubt contact us at support@seedhammer.com.

Can I write a title on the plates?

Yes, from version v1.2.0 and forward.

When scanning descriptors from compatible wallet software, the wallet title will be shown on the descriptor information screen and engraved on the plate (max. 18 characters, limited character set).

The compatible wallets are: BlueWallet (vaults only), Nunchuk wallets and wallets capable of exporting descriptors in one of those formats.

When using Sparrow Wallet exporting descriptors in the following formats also work: Jade Multisig, Keystone Multisig, Passport Multisig, and Specter Desktop.

What is the difference between SeedHammer and the many other steel backup solutions?

The main difference is that SeedHammer can make self-contained multisig backups.

This means that the minimum amount of shares (physical plates) is enough to recover the wallet, and the need for storing a copy of the XPUBs (often in the form of a descriptor) digital or on paper along each backup/plate is eliminated.

There are also other benefits, such as QR codes for convenient recovery and signing, the ability to create distributed setups, gift cards, etc.

Moreover, precision engraving ensures that all information, such as the seed phrase and other text, is easily readable and discernible.

If you only ever need to back up a single 12- or 24-word bitcoin seed phrase many of the other steel backup solutions are most likely more suitable.

Will the SeedHammer controller generate a seed?

No, the SeedHammer software will never be able to generate a seed phrase because of the obvious vulnerabilities this approach would introduce. Read more here.